My New Favorite Oil ~ Avocado Oil

Avocado Oil is the juice of the first, cold pressing of quality ripe Avocados. It has the aroma of globe artichokes and celery with the rich, buttery flavor of avocado.

The benefits of avocado oil are delivered from its rich fatty acids and Vitamins. Nutritionally, avocado oil ranks comparably to olive oil with a copious amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is also loaded with proteins, lecithin, beta-carotene and vitamins A, D and E.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are usually found in plant products such as avocados and olives and their oils. The monounsaturated fatty acids can lower the bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, anti-cancerous nutrient that protects cells in the body and is a defence against life-threatening diseases.

Avocado oil contains a balanced proportion of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids, along with vitamin E have powerful antioxidant properties which can protect your blood vessels by binding and removing free radicals and cholesterol deposits and reducing your risk of blood vessel damage. The binding of these antioxidants to your blood vessel lining also makes your vessel wall stronger and more flexible so that they respond better to sudden changes of blood pressure. Vitamin A, D and E are all involved in skin cell growth and regeneration which leads to faster healing and better skin quality.

If this hasn’t captured your attention yet, then maybe the flavor will! Avocado oil has such a beautiful, rich and creamy flavor and can be added to items like dips, soups, salad dressings, marinades, or drizzled over your favorite dish. The possibilities are endless! Here’s my favorite brand due to it’s cold pressed, no heat, no solvent extraction process. This is the best of the best! Check it out at: Olivado Avocado Oil


20 Habits That Make You Fat

I found an excellent read today by David Zinczenko called “20 Habits That Make You Fat!” I love the simplicity of how he listed each of these items and the detailed explanation. I was impressed that his first item on the list was the habit of “eating low-fat”. It still rattles me that so many consumers and the media are still pushing low fat diets. Over the past 15 years, since low fat diets became all the craze, our country has grown in heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and many more chronic diseases and symptoms. That would be with our society on a low fat diet. Really? Ask yourself what a low fat diet has done for you lately?! The truth is we need fat, we need the good, natural healthy fats to burn fat properly and to prevent disease. I hope you find this article useful as David really hits the mark!

Please read on… and if you are making any of these “habit” choices, work hard to make the changes, even if only one change a day. You CAN take control of your health and get your life back!

20 Habits That Make You Fat


Are food allergies making you sick?

I’ve recently had so many people brought into my life that are truly suffering from many common symptoms including: fatigue, bloating, digestion concerns, skin disorders, chronic sinusitis, heartburn, diarrhea or constipation, obesity, arthritis, ADD/ADHD, itching, &  ‘brain fog’ where your concentration and memory are impaired. These are classic candida infection symptoms: CANDIDA ENTERITIS, a systemic yeast infection in your gut. It can cause lots of symptoms and take over day to day life! We offer testing for this and food allergies. Learn how to get tested and overcome this battle. We use advanced testing to identify reactions to over 350 foods, chemicals, and substances associated with inflammation and our chronic health problems of today. Learn more about our programs by clicking on our program link or contact us to learn more about the ALCAT food allergy testing we utilize in our programs. Food Allergy and food Intolerance testing


Formaldehyde is in your daily products and has been linked to cancer

Formaldehyde is present in relatively benign quantities in nature; however its presence in manufactured goods is a major health concern because according to a significant body of research, it is a known carcinogenic substance, which  = CANCER

It’s frightening to see how many exposures from formaldehyde we get on a daily basis. It’s found it personal care products, home materials and furniture, common cleaning and disinfectant products, and in vaccines that are being injected into your body.
Learn more: 032765_formaldehyde_carcinogenic.html

The truth about raw almond regulations

For three years, a group of almond growers have been fighting to keep their products unadulterated! Did you know the almond growers in the USA are currently required to sterilize their almonds either through steaming, irradiation, roasting, or treating them with propylene oxide, a known carcinogen that’s been banned in the EU. Treated almonds can still be called “raw,” meaning health-conscious consumers who want unadulterated food are more or less being duped.

Good News: An exemption was made for small-scale growers.

Bad News: They were forbidden from saying their almonds hadn’t been treated.

Finally, these growers have won the right to take their challenge to federal court. They’ll be able to argue why the regulation should be thrown out, and it could mean big things for the  health of raw almonds if it is.

Stay tuned for the latest in the raw nut world!